Sunday, February 25, 2007

Strike of the Week #1: This Is My Fist/Giant Haystacks Split EP

So here's the deal: Ben and I both like 45's a lot, even when they're not played at 45. That's okay, because it's the seven inch diameter that matters, and is the basis for our newest conception: Strike of the Week.

Every week, we'll be picking one or two 45's and playing them in their entirety at or near 11:00pm. Criteria? Freshness, of course, and punk rockness. Nothing more, really.

First up: This Is My Fist/Giant Haystacks courtesy of 625. Bay Area punk rockers put that hyphy to shame with some ragingly good tunes. Fist-pumping and righteous, this is something worth picking up, especially after the amount of time put into it to finally get it out.

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