Monday, April 14, 2008

Strike of the Week, Vol. 2 #9: Sex Vid "Nests" EP

Took me a minute to realize just what was going on with the latest offering, but consider me fully on board, even if the captain is fucking insane. If you're counting, and you should be, this is Sex Vid's third EP, and any sort of composure has been shed from sheer use, experience, and disaffection. This is raw, people, and if you find yourself alone in the basement with this beast, I'd suggest you get out as soon as possible. Dirty and simmering, Sex Vid doesn't have a problem shoving it in your face, and you shouldn't have a problem with it either. Got it? Good. Bistro Distro's all out, but check the usual suspects (No Way, Grave Mistake, Painkiller, Missing Link, even Interpunk, etc.) before you're officially out of luck.

Also, sorry for the lapse: last week's Strike (#8) was Mentally Challenged. But you knew that already.

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